Sunday, June 5, 2011

Todays New Start

Well, I have caved into my inner nerd and decided to create a blog. For the few that may stumble across this I hope I can give you a little bit of a sneak peak into what goes on in my life on a regular basis.

Now that I've gotten the formalities out of the way I guess I'll start with my first blog? Man, the day my fraternity brothers find out about this one I'm fairly certain that I'll be the joke of meeting to say the least. Anyways, I graduated about a month ago now, got engaged about a month ago now, started my first full time job working for someone other than myself or my dad this month... essentially, my life has officially started, right? Its all great really. If I could be living my dream any more I don't know if I would be able to contain my excitement about life to be quite honest. However, nobody ever teaches you about the serious decisions that you have to make when you start living your dream. I work for Sherwin Williams, yes the paint company. Now before you judge, understand that there's a lot more to it than what comes to mind. Its honestly not a bad gig, I'm not going to sugar coat it, the bottom rung of this corporate ladder is pretty humbling and tough but that's just another part of the dream. I'm 2 weeks into my training period with the company and I've been given my first assignment. Its something I dont take lightly, I'm honestly pretty honored by it. The thought that they, whether by a game of rock paper scissors or actually thinking that I would succeed, feel as if I'm ready for something with more responsibility. The day they told me it was like the greatest and worst thing ever... by now I'm sure you're wondering how could this be so bad? Well, it would require me to travel to Brownsville, Tn 5 days a week from my home outside Memphis or for me to relocate.

At no point in any of my college classes did I receive a lesson on how to respond to situations like this. While I am given the option of passing up on the offer and waiting for something that has the possibility of being closer who's to say this isn't going to set a bad message to those in charge of making these decisions? Its rough. I traveled to Brownsville, or BFE as I affectionately refer to it as, this weekend and its 65 miles from my house. 65 miles! While I have heard of people making drives like this, this is hard for me. I dont know, its just a difficult decision for myself. I guess we'll see what I decide to do about everything but at the end of the day, this is what's been going on in my head this week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to see you have a blog. Now I can keep up with both you and Candace. Don't anticipate Brandon to have a blog anytime soon... He's not the writing type.. But you can keep up with him on my blog if you'd like. Miss seeing you and Candace around.
